Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Number Games

They say that you should always make your title last, after you've completed whatever it is you're gonna write.  I, respectfully, disagree.  I think you should write your title first and then you can know how to stay on track so your mind doesn't wander!  ;)  j/k.

Truly, I am playing number games (and no, this is not an allusion to the movie in theaters).  I have completed something that now must be undone... I need to count down from 248 LBS to a reasonable weight.  That is just WAY to heavy for me.  I think my target will be in the 200-210 range, but I haven't been that weight since high school and I'm not quite sure what's healthy for me yet.  At any rate, I know I can get below 220 and be feeling good, so that (at a minimum) is my target).

On the other side, I have begun something that must be completed.  I began graduate school in Jan. 2009 and I need to button that sucker up.  All that remains is for me to finish research on my thesis and actually write the paper.  Funny thing, that I find it so much harder to find motivation now that I am really doing an academic exercise (the Army Research experiment is completed).  Also, the lack of due dates is really wreaking havoc with my psyche.

speaking of psyche, have you read that book by C.S. Lewis, "Til we have faces"  Psyche is the main female character.  Great book.  ;)

Anyhow, back to the topic of number games, I'm thinking that I'll make those two projects something that I can regularly report on here.  I apologize if you (whoever you find yourself to be) do not care much for my academic and physical goals, but then of course you find yourself here at this blog by your own volition, so my sympathy for you is limited.  :)

Right.  I do promise to report on those two topics, but at least I can derive some motivation from the prospect of public humiliation or lack of progress in the public eye. 

So, in other news about me, I've finally gotten the right license plates on my truck, which is one small step for a screwdriver and nerves of steel, but one giant leap for the legality of my ride!  haha. 

Hmmm.... what else can I update you on?  I was dating a girl named Kristen (see previous post), now we are not dating anymore.  Definitely not parting on bad terms, so that's a plus.  A blog in many ways seems like an inappropriate place for an in depth discussion of this topic, so suffice it to say that I have a huge amount of respect for her and I hope in the future we can continue to be friends and encourage each other. 

I'm excited that I'll be able to head-up an experimental olive harvesting endeavor this fall, which will be lots of fun (and lots of work too).  I think there are significant benefits to the growers and to the custom harvesting companies if everything works out well.  Maybe even some room in the market for some super-high-tech equipment... hint, hint.  LOL.

So here are the numbers for today:
Weight: 248 LBS
Thesis: 1/6 (experiments completed, nonlinear modeling underway)

By way of explanation, I'm dividing the thesis into 6 sections, for simplicity's sake:
1. data from a real process to control (The experiments)
2. nonlinear modeling of the process (math modeling)
3. control design 1
4. control design 2
5. control design 3
6. write the paper

and I did make it to they gym (For the record) yesterday and ran for about 20 minutes.  a good first start.  I also resisted the temptation of having any treats at my parents (and that is no small feat; currently just "sitting around" in the kitchen is two pans of triple chocolate brownies, 3 pans of apple cake and 1 pan of white fudge!!)  I had cereal, spaghetti and eggs/salsa today.  one confession tho: I did forget this morning and I stopped by Java Detour on my way to work and got a hot chocolate and a chocolate bar.  I didn't even think about it until I was driving away.... DOH!  But tomorrow, I'll do better.  If anyone care to weigh in on the topic, what is everyone's thoughts on hot chocolate as something that should/shouldn't be had during a diet?  Anyone?

Lastly, I'll leave you with this:  There is a green field as I look out the window of my truck passing by.  I can decide to frame this field as vacant and lonely or I can frame it as lush and full of potential.  I choose the latter.

That is all for now, peeps.  Keep me posted and I'll keep you posted!
Gavereno.  email: if you want to get in contact with me.