First off, last night Scott, Sharon and I all went to a muscial production called, "I love you, you perfect... now change." Very funny production basically making fun of (and celebrating too) relationships and the whole idea of dating, love and various thing associated with them. I was laughing the whole time! ;)

Several days ago, (I think it was Thursday night actually) I went with Barry (a fellow we carpool with) and Scott to a Jazz band performance at a club called Kuumbwa Jazz ( I didn't know it was such a big deal, but apparently it is a big name in the small jazz club circuit, and we saw a great show from the Gillian Harwin Band... very cool stuff. The pic below is not of that band, more of just how the inside and stage look since we weren't allowed to take pics when we were there.

Ah yes, lest you think that all I do is work on groovy electronics, hob nob with NASA scientists and go to jazz and theater performances, this is my weekend job! As I mentioned, these pics are not in very good chronological order, because I don't like the way blogger uploads them and orders them and i refuse to bow to their methods! (and i'm lazy). Anyway, the pic below is showing the bark that we moved from one end of the property to the other. I didn't realize that my cousin/aunt were quite so hardcore... some people recycle cans and paper, we are litterally building a mountain out of the wood chips that were pruned from trees surrounding the house! very cool stuff, more specs a little later!
Here is another pic of the part of the hill that we were building up. you can see how many loads of chips we brought to build up the hill compared to what was there before...
This, of course is my amazingly hardworking family that I am living with... taken a few weeks ago when we working on the same thing. They make good farmers, eh? :P

This is yesterday (Saturday), and a recap on some of the things we accomplished. we are sitting on a pile of wood that Scott and I gathered from all over the property. I think I hurt my back a little 'cause I was throwing wood up to him from lower parts of the hill, and then throwing wood down to him from higher parts: lots of wood throwing going on. Then, if you look to the other side of the pic, you will see part of the pile of wood chips that we moved. This was not particularly exciting work, so we decided to keep track of statistics so we could brag about what we got done, so here ya go: it took us 61 wheel barrow loads to move the pile. each wheels barrow load took an average of 16 pitch fork scoops to fill. Every round trip with the wheel barrow averaged about 140 paces (up-hill and then down-hill). In summary, Scott scooped 976 pitch forks full of wood chips. I pushed that wheel barrow 8,540 paces in the process of moving things, and Sharon spread 366 cubic feet of wood chips! We were all pretty tired when that was done, but we felt accomplished!
So that is the update for now. I am doing well with my summer project, and last week marked the finishing of my first prototype system. My sponsor was pleased with it, and next week hopefully I can make at least one more prototype to get things really cookin'! It is definitely a lot of fun learning the intricacies of MATLAB, Simulink, xPC and the graphical user interface constructs associated with those packages. Maybe soon I'll get my blackbelt in MATLAB! ;)
Until next time, gadget!
Glad to hear that you had some actual "work" somewhere amidst your social hob nobbing. And as far as your wood pile stats go, well.........HOT DAMN! I think that those Erickson/Nielsen workaholic genes run deep.
ReplyDeleteAnd on a total side note here: I think I look like Auntie Sharon a bit ...and now that you are living with her for the summer, what do you think? So strange (yet cool) to see your relatives when you look in the mirror. :)