Monday, March 11, 2013

Spring 2013 State of the Union

Hello Peeps!  :P

I am happy to report to y'all that I did make it through the thesis defense and that all went very well.  It was originally supposed to be a 40 minute presentation, but I had 50-some slides and so it took me about 65 minutes to get through it.  Since I have spent a few years on the research and analysis, I was hoping that I would get tons of probing questions, but alas, I could only garner 2 questions from the audience (Thanks Uriel)...

I am also very happy to report that I am officially done with my formal schooling!  That is a weird thing to write and an even weirder thing to think through (if you are inside this bear's head), but I am getting used to the idea slowly.

On the topic of significant others, I cannot claim so much success.  Perhaps the Lord is teaching me a lesson in patience at the moment... hard to say.  I guess the only thing is to keep on keeping on.  I have been wondering if I need to change my approach or point of view on things; that is a very hard thing to do since I don't know what to change it to.  Even biblical models are all over the board.  LOL, in any case, I can still find enjoyment in eating and drinking and pleasure in my work under the sun (I've been reading a lot of Ecclesiastes lately). 

I was so happy to celebrate and be a part of my good friend John Miller's wedding last month; that was was nothing short of inspiring.  It is always a refreshing drink to see friends and adopted family in the Petaluma area as well!  :)  John and Ruth (if y'all are reading this), may God grant you two peace and joy!

On a totally separate note, I have now stopped working for the family company (ENE) and have started out on my own by starting my own little engineering firm.  I am hoping to be finalizing my situation and receiving some income soon, but I'll do my best to keep you all posted.  I have to say, working on your own and starting a company with the intent to do that in the long-term is a very different sort of feeling.  I started my business in late February and I have never felt as exposed and vulnerable as I do now.  It is very strange.  It doesn't feel dangerous per se, but there is a very lonely feeling to it (I don't think it has much to do with significant-other-type loneliness, but rather business team-type loneliness).  With that in mind I can hardly wait to increase my team to a number larger than one, but all in good time.  Presently, I just need to survive and figure out how to get ahead of the curve.  :)


One other thing that happened is that my aunt Sharon went to be with the Lord about a month ago.  That was sad news to everyone and she will definitely be missed, but I am glad that she doesn't have to deal with the pain of this world any more.  :)

What else to talk about?  My family is generally doing well, although my dad is still struggling in some areas.  My sister Ashley had her baby "Ada" who is now 4-5 months old I think.  She's definitely a cutie-pie.  My seven other nieces and nephews never disappoint with their unique perspectives on different things happening around them.  What treasures children are, right?

It wouldn't be right to post without some pics, so here are some good shots or things that have happened...

I need to diet more...  look at the size of my head!!  :)

the beautiful view off the porch of my parent's home

one of the revised drafts of my thesis work...  that fish was like 170 pages!  no joke!  :)

my bro Garrett: how does he DO that??  (I don't know, but I can tell you what it smelled like... Death!  LOL)

a beautiful sunrise one morning before I left for work in Orland.

my nephew Case...  this one is a turkey!

Case's argument went he wants to be fed... lol

just a cool car in Chico that I keep forgetting to tell my bro about, haha

The monster pizza that me and the boom's had one night...  this pizza was literally huge... there is no trick lens or effect going on here.  :)

the Case machine is coming along.  gonna get painted and in the field this year!  yay!

gotta love brothers... they are playing with knives and putting each other "in jail" (Zackers and Joshy)

I have had the distinct honor of mentoring a few young men from Hamilton high...  Christian and Adrian.  Here was the whiteboard after a bit of lecture on electronics...  man I love teaching!

Garrett and I set up Ryan's old room as our temporary office.  Here is a rare pic of Garrett working on solidworks!  haha!

there are few who can put the honey on the bread like I can...  just one unique pieces of art that is completely edible.  :P  yum!

my little niece Sadie.  I think... she is up to no good...

Jessa, Hanne, Joshy and Sadie over at the boom's house.  This crew is trouble brewing!

Jessa and Hanne...  what?  do I smell bad?

ahhh.... little Ada...  my mom is a good grandma I think...

papa Nate... there he is!

another good shot of Ada sitting up by herself on the couch with her mommy making her comfy :)

me and Zack hanging out.  more bread art for my hungry public!

This is the "shock cylinder" for the Case machine.  kinda cute, huh?  50,000 lbs of force for 4" of stroke!  yeah baby!

the memories table at my aunt Sharon's memorial service.  I am gonna miss you Sharon.  :)

a breath-taking sunset at my parent's house.  The Lord is the master artist and we are a bunch of phony copy-cats!!

The freak hail/snow that we had in Orland.  that was weird.

another shot of the Case machine, this time with some of the brush-guards in place.

One of my closest friends John Miller, right after he and his bride Ruth were married.  :D

jelly-filled?  anyone?

okay-then... don't mind if I do!  lol!

Bidwell park, 1 mile rec area.  out for a walk with my dad.

doesn't Garrett look a bit like Luke Wilson?

hmm....  that boy can eat!

ahhhhh... back to our hero....  
Aight, y'all.  there is a little roll-up of my current events and hopeful directions.  I keep saying i'm gonna try to update this blog more often, but like Mark Twain once said: "I don't have time to write you a short letter, so will write you a long one..."  Until the next long update...


  1. Awesome update with lots of great pics. Thanks gav! - ash

  2. Great update!! Love our family!! Glad you find so much joy in life - that's an awesome thing! Love you little bro, Heather
